Helen Dunn and Lyn Joyce have taken on the challenge of multiple half - marathons in 2012. Each half marathon is 13.1 miles. Perki sat down to chat with them.
Perki: How long have you been members of Phillyfit?
Helen: 8 years.
Lyn: This is my second year.
P: How, what, or who started you on the road to training for distance?
H: For me, it was sibling rivalry. My sister Mary was doing the Disney Marathon. If she could do it so could I.
L: The arrival of "Big" birthdays.
P: What is your motivation?
H: It's my social thing.
L: Yeah we all have to have our thing. I like the challenge. My dad, always said "Finish what you start." So I sign up for things I'm not sure I can finish and then challenge my self to do it.
P: What has been your hardest lesson to date?
H: You have to do the work or pay the price. It's a lesson I have to re-learn every season.
L: Yes, definitely. For me, it was learning that I can't do everything. When I was turning 39 I almost crashed my way out of my 30's. I was participating in the Nightmare Tour in Lancaster (A bike event). I managed to finish 62 out of 100 miles before they plucked me off the course. It was a hilly curvy course. I was the only woman challenging the 100 miles.
P:Tell me about a EUREKA moment. Something or sometime when you said AHA, so that's how it works.
H: I only have to do what I want to do. I have nothing to prove. So just because I signed up for something I don't HAVE to do it just because I did. If the weather turns bad or I don't feel right I get to decide if I want to go through with it or not.
L: Recognizing the value of support. I always trained alone before Phillyfit. I never thought I'd like training with a group. Run and talk? It didn't make sense to me. Now I have my peeps and I don't know how I did without.
P: Ok so tell me about the quest for 12 in 2012. How did it get started?
L: Well it's a Baker's Dozen now. 13 in 2012. We both like baking so that kinda fits and after we started counting races Helen realized that if she did the Cesar Rodney Half (the 50th anniversary of the race) it would also be her 50th Half Marathon so we had to make it 13. P: Is anyone else doing it?
H: Sue Gill is taking the challenge too.
P: How many have you completed as of today (May 19)
H: 5
L: 4
P: Are any of these races new to you? Never done before?
H and L together: Yes, a lot.
P. Are any of them inaugural races?
H: Trenton is new and the Runners World half in October.
L: I'm doing the Perk Up half in August. It was supposed to be new last year but they were cancelled due to hurricane.
P: How close are the two closest races?
H: Disney back to back in Janaury.
L: I did Garden Spot and Cesar Rodney one week a part in March. I think Trenton and Philly are back to back weeks too.
P: How do you train when you have races only a week apart?
Together: Nothing.
H: Maybe do a light easy run during the week
L: And wonder why you are doing this challenge
P: What else would you like us to know about this challenge:
H: It's not as bad as I thought it would be. You have to front load so you get a lot done before summer.
L: It's a fun challenge and great to have people to race with.
H: Yeah. Brian, Mary and I use the "Alone together" rule at races. We arrive together and catch up at the end but in between we do our own thing. It's nice knowing someone else is out there sort of with you.
P: Ok, last few questions. In the fashion of the Actor's Studio interview
What is your favorite training sound?
H: My interval timer
L: My breathing. It's cool to get lost in the run. Block everything out.
P: What is your least favorite training sound?
H: My interval timer. But also that tired slapping sound that some people make with their feet. When they come up right next to you.
L: Yes, definitely not a nice sound.
P: What is your favorite workout?
H: The after work run where I can blow off steam.
L: Cyling and hills
P: What is your least favorite workouts?
H: The Valley Forge Loop. Hills!!
L: Being confined to the basement on the treadmill. I'd rather run outside in rain than do that
P:If you could spend a day with any athlete present or past, who would it be and why?
H: Shaq
P: You mean DR. Shaq.
H: Yeah. I think he's funny. If he came to Phillyfit it'd be awesome. He is a harmless goofball.
L: Dara Tores the olympic swimmer. Shes only a couple of years older than me and totally fit. I'd love to ask her what it's like to represent your country with your sport.
P: When it comes to your training or racing what would you love to hear someone say to or about you
H: I'd like to know that someone did something because I did it. It's funny to call myself a role model. I'm far from dedicated - I'm a slug - but I know some folks have said if I can do it so can they.
L: Calling me an athlete. That's a big compliment.
Way to go ladies! Only wish I had it in me to do the 13 with you. I'll help keep you running during the week for your practices. Can't wait to do the Va. Wine Country Half with you. Sammy
ReplyDeleteYou are bothH and LYn AWESOME and so are you Puala for doing this. Good luck with the Baker's dozen. You rock. Love this idea. We are all the true superstars of sports.
ReplyDeleteRoy Attitude of Gratitude