Sunday, September 9, 2012

Re-Assess for Success

Authored by Yellow Coach John Carre

Wow it is already PhillyFit September! The hot humid summer days are mostly behind us now so the real fun part of the running calendar now begins. Quite a few Philly Fitters have been active all season long, running & walking in various events, but September seems to begin the significant local main events season. The Phila Distance Run (RnR Half) in mid September is typically a goal of many Philly Fitters followed by the Phila half/full marathon in November. So whatever Fall season runs you have planned now is a good time to re-assess where you are at this point in time.

What events are you registered for or need to register for yet?

Have the events you planned for changed & why?

Have you set your goals or changed them for your upcoming events?

What has been your experience & takeaways from events earlier this year?

What is your physical condition at this time?

Any chronic aches or pains needing attention?

Any new pains as training miles have increased needing attention?

What is your mental condition at this time?

Does your mental attitude need a change of pace or spark of enthusiasm?

Will some cross-training help?

How prepared are you for each event?

Ready now and can’t wait!

Training program working & you’ll be ready in time for the event!

Not ready but will set my expectations accordingly to finish with a smile!

Can you improve your physical condition?

Nutrition; core strength; flexibility; strength &/or conditioning!

Can you improve your mental condition?

Change up training routine; physically check out event route in advance; flash back to last exciting event and finish!

During the remaining weeks of training focus on prerace warm-up routine, hydration/electrolyte needs, mental strategies during the race, and post-run recovery. AND don’t forget to practice your finishing line smile at the end of all your training runs.

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