Friday, January 14, 2011

Blocks and Gels - By Anne Madden

Here it is folks.
The words to Blocks and Gels written and sung by Anne at the post season party December 2010.
Blocks and Gels (Jingle Bells)


Dashing through the trails
In a big group 30 are we
Our name is Philly Fit
Come join our family
We wear water belts
And give each other cheer
Preparing for the increased miles
And hoping the end is near


Oh Blocks and Gels Blocks and Gels
Refueling all the way
Paula and coaches sure do ROCK
They give their all each day


A short 6 months ago
We started our season run
Timed on first 3 miles
Wondering if this is fun?
We met on Saturday morn
For many sweltering days
Starting to run the higher miles
And asking Paula, “which way?”



November approached so fast
The marathon was very near
Exciting time for all
While starting to layer our gear
Pete and Renee spoke
With all their wisdom and facts
We loved to see those handmade signs
That helped us keep on track!


We all had our own goals
And reflect as seasons ends
Through all the pain and tears
We all became great friends
On behalf of all of us
We owe a lot to you
To Paula and all the coaches here
You deserve a big THANK YOU!

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