Saturday, September 24, 2011

USAFit/Philly Chats up the RNR Philly Half

"Today's the day! So excited! I will not focus on how slow my time is ... rather the fact that, 6 mos ago, if you would have told me I would be running a half-marathon today, I would have said you were nuts! Woohoo! Here we go RnR half-marathon!"

On a fantastic day for distance running or walking, September 18, 2011, members of USAFit/Philly finished the Rock N Roll Philadelphia Half Marathon. I think it is safe to say that an awesome day was had by all. All of our first timers of course had PR's and many of our repeat half marathoners reported PR's as well. As far as I know, everyone who started finished and as Roy says, "You finish it, you win it".

Pre-race there were some jitters which made for interesting FB chatter.

"Honestly, I don't care if I am the very last person. I am going to finish, and I am going to be damn proud of that achievement!" (She finished and was NOT last )

Being prepared was important, "Outfit has been selected. Hydration and nutrition choices have been made. Copious amounts of fluids are being consumed. Nap is imminent. Anxiety is mounting."

And we all had our own way of preparing " getting a pedicure before her race. This way if I get injured my feet will be pretty!" (She finished in good form)

"I'm already nervous peeing! And freaking out about my sinus headache! So far successfully avoiding paint cans."

And when all was said and done -

"I really ran a race but was never in the lead. My guess is that I came in around 10,000th - give or take a couple thousand. Ran the Philly half marathon."

"We rocked it! (Through 1.5 of nausea & slower than I wanted) still Rocked!"

Congratulations to all! 7 weeks to another half for some and a full for others! Keep smiling and keep moving!

Click here for the full set of pictures.

To Kelly and Jim.
We missed you both.
One small step and any one of us could have
been in your shoes.

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