First I have to give credit for the title and idea for this post to Purpose Fairy and to my friend and past Phillyfitter Tom Blanchard for posting this link from Purpose Fairy's blog. As I read the list of things I realized they apply to so much including success in your training for a full or half marathon. So without further ado here is my twist on Purose Fairy's list.
1. Give up your need to always be right. Training with a group gives you the opportunity to learn from others; from their successes and their mistakes - and they from you of course. Keep an open mind to learn new things or tweak the things you thought you already knew about distance training.
2. Give up your need for control. Distance training is a long term committment. You will have good days and bad days - hopefully more of the former :). The thing is, you never know when a particular day, event or training experiment will be good or bad for you. You just can't control that. Expect the unexpected and roll with it. Tomorrow, the next mile or even the next step is going to be different and has the potential to be better.
3. Give up on blame. Or as one of my favorite sayings goes "It is what it is". If you didn't get a chance to do your workout today you didn't get the chance. If you didn't hit your pace or time goal, it is what it is. Don't blame things or others just try for something different next time.
4. Give up your self-defeating self-talk. Most of us are better than we think we are. Don't talk yourself down and out of a training. This will become extremely important on long miles when you may find yourself lagging behind. Remember, that the benefit of group training is there will ALWAYS be someone waiting for you at the finish and what you accomplish that day is more than what most folks will do in a WEEK let alone a day. You are a rock star!
5. Give up your limiting beliefs. This is kinda the same as #4. You can do anything you put your mind to. Let the power of the group support you and help you remove the barriers that may have held you back in the past.
6. Give up complaining. It really doesn't do any good which is why our slogan is "NO WHINING". However, remember that there is a difference between whining and stating a fact. You'll have to run or walk with us to learn more about that one. :)
7. Give up the luxury of criticism. I have yet to meet a Phillyfitter who will criticize another's running or walking style, pace or motivations etc. It serves no purpose. We are all different and we all add value to the group.
8. Give up your need to impress others. There is a difference between sharing your accomplishments and bragging for the sake of impressing. Hopefully we all know the line when we reach it. Usually sharing accomplishments invites others to share and be happy with you. It is fun and a good time is had by all. Bragging is typically one-sided and lonely.
9. Give up your resistance to change. Change is good. Listen to what others in the group think about gear, run/walk, races etc. Just because it's the way you've always done it doesn't mean it's the only way.
10. Give up labels. Remember the Armor HotDog commercial (am I dating myself?). It doesn't matter who you are, what you look like or what your pace is - ANYONE can run or walk a half or full marathon. Ok maybe not with chicken pox but you get the idea.
11. Give up on your fears. Challenge yourself to change, to reach new heights and feats of awesomeness. It's scary and often requires going outside your comfort zone (like speed or hill workouts) but in the end, it's worth it.
12. Give up your excuses. Just do it. You'll never regret doing it but you will likely regret not doing it.
13. Give up the past. Whether the past is last year, last week, yesterday or 5 minutes ago. It's done. Move on. Don't expect the present to live up to or down to the past or past performance.
14. Give up attachment. Ok I may be stretching this one but here goes. We run or walk in groups. Often established by our pace. As the season progresses some of us get slower and some of us get faster. Sometimes it's temporary and sometime's it's not. Whatever the circumstance be open to running or walking with new folks from time to time. Maybe even do it on purpse even though your circumstances haven't changed. There is much to be learned by mixing it up.
15. Give up living your life to other people’s expectations. Second to the voices in our head are (sometimes) the voices of those around us. You will meet people who will say "You are trying to run or walk a MARATHON or HALF MARATHON?" Some will be in awe of you; some will think you are crazy some will come right out and tell you they think you are stupid to try. Remember that it doesn't matter what they think you can or can not do. It only matters what you think and do. Don't let yourself be brought down by those who think you can't do it or because you think you are going to disappoint someone who believes or is in awe of you. You do not have to live up to anyone's expectations or lack thereof. One of the wonders of group training is that the group will cheer your accomplishments and support you in times of struggle. We've all been there, done that and got the t-shirt :) The only expectation the group has is that you will offer the same support to them.
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