Monday, January 27, 2020

2020 KSKM Challenge: Series 2: Feb 1 to Feb 28.

Series 2 is all about the Spirit of the Challenge:  The spirit of the #KSKM2020Challenge is to move under our own power as much as possible; to find ways to move under our own power that perhaps we weren’t taking (enough) advantage of before. 

It’s not how far or how long you go; it’s about getting up and going! 

In Series 2, The People get a point for any activity that embodies the spirit of the challenge. 

Spirit Of the CHallenge Activities (or SOCHA) generally fall into two categories:

1)     Replace motorized movement with self-propelled activity. Examples include but (knowing this group) are certainly not limited to:
o   Taking the stairs when an escalator or elevator is available
o   Walking or biking to local places (shopping, library, bank, restaurants, visiting friends, etc.) instead of taking the car
o   Parking at the far end of the parking lot at work, a shopping center, entertainment venue etc. and walking to the entrance

2)      Engage in an event or activity that requires self-propelled movement – visit a museum, a zoo, a festival or fair, take a hike or a walk, go for a run, a bike ride etc.

In essence, any exercise or self-propelled movement gets you a point. For this series, The People may earn unlimited SOCHA points. Earn one every day if you like. Earn more than one in a day – however, points are earned only for different things or trips. For example, if Perki walks to the store in the morning and to the library in the afternoon on the same day that’s 2; if Perki walks to the store and the library in the same trip that’s 1; if Perki goes for a hike in the morning and walks to the bank in the afternoon that’s 2 and so on. (Perki isn’t eligible for prizes but will be playing along)

The People can earn extra points with their SOCHA by engaging in the following February themes: Shadow, Repeat, Leap, Friendship

·       In February the groundhog attempts to see his SHADOW.
·       In the movie Groundhog Day, Bill Murray had to REPEAT his day over and over.
·       In 2020 we celebrate a LEAP year.
·       February is International FRIENDSHIP Month

REPEATrepeat an exercise or activity you did/enjoyed in series 1. It’s not required but consider trying to build on or expand the effort spent doing the activity in series 1.

LEAP – celebrate leap year by taking a leap (of faith in yourself) and try something new in exercise / self-propelled movement.

FRIENDSHIP – Do an exercise or self-propelled activity with family or friend(s) for an extra point. Family or Friend do not have to be part of the challenge. Although you could consider inviting them to join us. 😊

·       In the case where multiple people in the same group activity would like friendship points, each person in the group who wants friendship points must take and post a separate photo of or from the group activity.

SHADOW – get an extra point for any of the above when you take a shadow photo. One shadow photo point available per person for each activity. 
  • In group activities the person who posts the photo gets the credit, however, multiple people from the same group can post different shadow photos from the group activity for their own credit.

 For the creative competitors in the group: It is possible to get up to four points in one activity –
·       1 for each SOCHA;
·       +1 because your SOCHA met the REPEAT or LEAP criteria;
·       +1 because the activity was accomplished with a FRIEND;
·       +1 because you managed a SHADOW photo during the activity.

However, you must provide enough detail in your description of the activity to make it clear to Perki that you satisfied the various point thresholds.


For series 2 there will be a prize drawing for participation. For every point you earn, you get one entry in the participation prize drawing thereby increasing your odds of winning.

For series 2 there will also be a popular vote (and prize) for best shadow picture. Details to follow.

Document your activities with photos that include your name, the date, and the activity. For Friendship, if the photo does not show people tell us who you were with. It’s always optional to tell the group a story about your activity and you never know when your story will inspire someone else. 

Reading this and interested in the challenge?  Join us on Facebook at Perkis People.

Keep Smiling Keep Moving,

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