Sara post kayaking in Alaska - 2018 |
P: Perkis People is a group for people who want to use
fun and friendship to build and protect their health. What are your favorite
ways to add fun to your mental and physical well-being?
Sara: Getting outside in any way. Hiking and Kayaking are my favorites right now but anything works for me. On occasion, I like riding my bike, too.
P: I saw that the Schuylkill Sojurn was cancelled. That’s
a shame
Sara: Well, it was postponed until August. So, we’ll see... Still hoping to go on the abbreviated journey.
Sara: Nature in general. There are so many patterns, colors, and textures. There is always something to look at.
P: Earlier this year, Perki adopted the term SOCHA to
mean any purposeful activity in your day. What is your favorite SOCHA?
Sara: Hiking
P: What is your least favorite SOCHA? In other words,
what is that movement that is necessary to your day that you find hard to do.
Sara: While not a daily movement, Burpees are right up there.
P: When Perki asked The People to share something
about themselves that perhaps others did not know you wrote, “While
working at Disney World, I had the privilege of giving Anthony Daniels (Star
Wars's C3P0) a tour of Fantasmic! island. Later that same evening, after he
imbibed at The Brown Derby, he sat down there and kept yelling to me while I
was up on the spotlight tower. One of the most surreal experiences.
I have also designed and run lights for an Amazing Bacon
Brother concert, so I am a 1 degree of Kevin Bacon.”
P: Tell me a little more about the meeting with
Anthony Daniels.
Sara: This back when Disney held their annual Star Wars weekends. In the early years, the stars of the movies would often request tours of attractions. As one of the lighting leads, I was called in as part of the group to give Anthony Daniels a tour of Fantasmic! I must have made an impression, because that night after imbibing with dinner, he saw me up on the light tower and called out to me, SARA!.
P: Tell us about what you did then? How is it you were in
the place and time that put you on this tour?
Sara: I was in the entertainment industry then. I was a stage technician primarily doing lighting. This was in the late 90’s early 2000’s.
P: So the Kevin Bacon thing was during this time as well?
Sara: Yes. MGM, or Disney, whatever they called it then did lots of special events. And one of those was an “Amazing Bacon Brother” concert.
P: Is there anything else about this time that you’d like
to share with “The People”?
Sara: It was probably the wildest years of my life. I
met lots of celebrities then. Roy Disney and Keven Schneider (of Smallville and
Dukes of Hazard)
P: Ok, lets finish up with some fun questions. What’s the
most useless talent you have?
Sara: oooh. Let me think about that. Can I come back to it?
P: Sure.
P: What amusing thing has someone tricked you into doing
or believing?
Sara: Ummm, I’m not sure. I’m usually the one doing the tricking.
P: Ok, tell us about a time when you tricked someone else
into doing or believing something?
Sara: Well, it was April 1st and I had these fake ants. We had been having some issues with ants in the house that spring. I sprinkled some fake ants by the front door and called my mom over. I told her I think the ants are back. Mom went to the kitchen to find the ant traps and get ready to steam them out.
P: How far did you let her go?
Sara: Oh, not far. As soon as she got to the kitchen and took out the traps, I told her it was a joke.
P: And now your mom doesn’t let you come home for April 1st
P: Do you have a favorite mythical creature?
Sara: I’d have to say a dragon.
P: Would you rather own one or be one?
Sara: Definitely BE one.
P: Why?
Sara: The seem to be very wise and independent creatures. To have the mentality to be your own creature and do what you want.
P: Let’s go back then to the talent. What is the most
useless talent you have?
Sara: I can flip my tongue completely over.
P: Um, ok next time we see each other I’m going to ask
about THIS! How did you discover that
you could do it?
Sara: When I was a kid my sister and my dad would make Taco shells with their tongues. You know, where they could fold their tongues to look like taco shells.
P: Yes. We used to call them hot dog bun tongues.
Sara: Yes, hot dogs buns, taco shells. Anyway, I couldn’t do it at the time, but I discovered that I could flip it upside down. And it had the added benefit of freaking my sister out!
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