Sunday, March 27, 2011

Top Ten Reasons Not To Exercise (Part Two)

Top Ten Reasons Excuses not to Exercise (Part Two)

4. You can't seem to stay motivated to continue working out
Getting and staying motivated is hard. No doubt about it. Join the group and you may find yourself addicted to the people and that gets you out every Saturday. (See the Power of the Group) Once you've created the habit the motivation comes easier.

3. Exercise HURTS!
Exercise doesn't have to hurt. If you start slow (as we do) and build slowly (as we do) generally you will be fine. Our coaches are dedicated to getting you in shape in a safe, non-intimidating fun environment. Our seminars are injury identification and prevention will help too.

2.You can't make the commitment to stick to an exercise routine.

It's easier to stick to an exercise routine if you set goals and start slow. Our program will help you do that. It's a 28 week program designed for all abilities even couch potatoes.

1. You don't have time!
Everyone has time. Our group meets Saturday morning early - a time when you might typically be sleeping. Get up a little bit earlier, come out and run or walk with the friendliest group on the planet and the rest of your day will likely be more productive.

Registration is open. Register online or in person when the season starts May 14th.

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