Thursday, March 24, 2011

Top Ten Reasons Not To Exercise (Part One)

Ok, the Top Ten Reasons Excuses Not To Exercise

10. You really hate to exercise.
Ok, most people do.... at first. You have to practice and get used to it. Joining a group can make that easier. (See "The Power of the Group")

9. You've tried exercise but you keep quitting.
Chances are you are trying to do too much too soon. Our 28 week program starts low and builds slow.

8. You can't afford a gym memership.
Even at full price our membership fee comes out to less than $4.00 per week! Skip one or two of those fancy coffees each week and you've got it.

7. You are not seeing any changes in your body.
It takes time to lose weight or change your body shape. We didn't get the way we are overnight. You need to have patience. In the meantime, you will reap the many other benefits of exercise.

6. You don't know how to exercise.
Seriously? Running and walking are the easiest forms of exercise. Put one foot in front of the other. Repeat. Our coaches are dedicated to getting you into shape in a safe, friendly, non-intimidating environment.

5. You want to exercise but you have to take care of the kids and family.
Alright, this one is maybe, sorta, almost a real one. But wait...think about this - exercise improves your health and mood. Family will reap the benefits of that. If you have children, think about the example you are setting. Our group meets early on Saturday mornings (7 or 8 am depending on date and length of workout). You'll be back home in plenty of time for the day's activities and everyone needs a little 'me' time.

To be continuned........

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